heart of heartless
No of Pages: 400
RRP: 29.95
ISBN Print: 1 876040 06 8

The Heart of a Heartless World

Religion as Ideology

“This book introduces the basic elements of psychoanalysis and historical materialism in the best possible way, by bringing their respective insights to bear on an intriguing and unresolved question. Pursuing why it is that religious ideas, in the face of a paucity of evidence, have such a deep hold on human beings, Scott Mann shows just how powerfully explanatory these two theories can be.” Jean Curthoys, author of Feminist Amnesia

RIGHTS SOLD: US/Canada: Black Rose


About the Author

Scott Mann

Scott Mann was born in 1952 in Manchester, England. He has taught philosophy and social theory at the Universities of Sussex, Sydney and NSW and is currently lecturing at the University of Western Sydney. His previous book was Psychoanalysis and Society: An Introduction.

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