No of Pages: 390
RRP: 39.95
ISBN Print: 1 876040 73 4
Engine of Change
Standards Australia Since 1922 – Most facets of our daily lives now rest on written standards. They govern our appliances, our vehicles, our clothes sizes, the buildings in which we live and work, the way the organisations we depend on function, how we are to treat the environment and even each other. To a large extent, standards make our modern civilisation possible. This book studies the origins and rise of Australia’s peak standards body, one of the great – though almost invisible – contributors to our national development and present international standing.
About the Author
Winton Higgins is a writer and academic. He was born in Sydney in 1941 and holds degrees from the Universities of London, Stockholm and Sydney. After a brief period at the NSW Bar he changed careers to research, write and reach in the social sciences, first at Macquarie University, then the University of Technology, Sydney. He has taught in comparative genocide studies at both these places, and sits on the board of the Australian Institute of Holocaust and Genocide Studies. As a creative writer he won the 2002 NSW Writers’ Centre short story competition, and in 2003 published his Holocaust themed travel diary, Journey into Darkness. He lives in Sydney with his partner; they have two adult daughters and two grandchildren.
Visit Winton’s website – here.
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