Layout 1
Published: 2016
ISBN Print: 978-1921556-26-5
ISBN E-Pub: 978-0-9944295-9-9
ISBN PDF: 978-0-9944295-8-2


Anna Taylor is found with her throat cut at a high-stakes research laboratory where results are driven by ambition and greed. Adam Gabriel, an Oxford pathology professor, uses his diagnostic and forensic skills to determine how the murder was committed and at the same time reveals the none too virtuous world of modern Oxford “town and gown” where murder is not just possible but almost inevitable.


About the Author

Nick (Nikos) Athanasou

Nikos (Nick) Athanasou is a short story writer, novelist, musculoskeletal pathologist and research scientist. He was born in Perth and grew up in Sydney. Both his parents emigrated from the Greek island of Castellorizo. He studied at Sydney High School, Sydney University, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, and Oxford University where he is Professor of Musculoskeletal Pathology and an Emeritus Fellow at Wadham College. He works as a diagnostic pathologist and carries out research into diseases of bone, joint and soft tissues. He has written two collections of short stories, Hybrids and Late Hybrids and three novels, The Greek LiarThe Person of the Man, and Palindrome (all published by Brandl & Schlesinger). He has also written numerous medical/scientific papers and medical books.

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