learning curve
No of Pages: 84
RRP: 22.95
ISBN Print: 1 876040 39 4

The Learning Curve

“This is the best book that John Foulcher has so far written. It is the most irresistably readable of his collections… remarkable for its vigour and pace; it has the brash vitality demanded by its subject, which is the clashes and confessions of the staffroom. Reading The Learning Curve one feels that Foulcher has been able to bottle the authentic backstage smell of a secondary school.” Robert Gray


About the Author

John Foulcher

John Foulcher has published six books of poetry. He won the 1988 National Library Bicentennial Poetry Award and the 1994 ACT Book of the Year Award for his New and Selected. His work has been published extensively in national newspapers and journals, and his poems have been widely anthologised. From 1986 to 1994 his poetry was set for study on the NSW Higher School Certificate syllabus. He lives on the NSW North Coast.

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