Adam Aitken
Adam Aitken was born in London and migrated to Sydney after spending his early childhood in Thailand and Malaysia. He has published poetry, chapbooks, essays on Asian Australian literature, book reviews, and was co-editor of Contemporary Asian Australian Poets (Puncher & Wattmann). The story of his mixed heritage is featured in his creative non-fiction work One Hundred Letters Home (Vagabond Press 2016) which was long-listed for the ALS Gold Medal.
Other commendations include the South Australian Literary Festival Awards and The Age Book of the Year for Romeo and Juliet in Subtitles (2001). His work appears in an installation and memorial to First Nations at Centennial Park Sydney, and has been broadcast on national radio. He has appeared at literary festivals in Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney, Wellington New Zealand and at the Festivale de Poesie Trois Rivieres, Quebec. His literary residencies include Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Hawaii, The University of Tasmania, Hong Kong Baptist University, Varuna, the Keesing Studio in Paris, and he has received various Australia Council and Asialink grants.